Jan 10, 2020
Why? We combine recommendations from sources you trust like Wirecutter and The Spruce, and combine them with Amazon reviews to make your buying decision a no brainer.
Not convinced yet? Of the 88
we scanned across 34
here are the top 10 in order of most recommended:
Getting a foam roller is relatively straightforward; they're generally inexpensive and widely available. Using a foam roller efffectively, however, is a different story! Luckily, there are excellent videos like the one below demonstrating a foam rolling routine that is guaranteed to soothe your aches and pains and relieve tight and sore muscles. The foam rolling movements covered in the video include targeting the quads, IT band, inner thigh, piriformis, calves, back, arms, and more. With a good foam roller and following along with a video like this one, you have everything you need.